If you haven’t watered corn yet this week, you may want to think about doing so. We have been blessed with an abundance of rain that has helped support corn development, and little irrigation has been needed. High temps mean water demand is higher too, and it is critical to not get behind on watering corn. Earliest planted corn is close to tasseling or tasseling which is peak demand time. Suggested irrigation amounts are listed below for corn for those using the ‘checkbook’ method of applying water. Continue reading
All posts by Angela McClure, Extension Corn and Soybean Specialist
Nitrogen Loss in Saturated Soils
Continued saturated soils in some parts of the state have created concern with producers that N fertilizers that were already applied may be partially lost. Nitrogen loss through denitrification occurs when nitrogen in the nitrate (NO3) form is converted to nitrogen gas by bacteria in the soil. The amount of denitrification increases Continue reading
Pre Tassel Nitrogen in Corn
Our corn planting window was pretty strung out this year, ranging from end of March until close to the end of May. Just wanted to include a few comments on nitrogen for those still needing to put out adequate amounts and those thinking about pre-tassel applications. Continue reading
Leaning and Greensnapped Corn and Flooding

Have been checking fields this week for stalk issues in corn, especially after the high winds that occurred here lately. Fortunately many fields look fine and corn is standing well. In other areas at least some corn did sustain wind damage causing leaning or snapped stems. Continue reading
Industrial Hemp in Tennessee
Governor Haslam signed a bill into law (SB2495) that takes effect July 1, starting the process to allow private farms to legally grow hemp in Tennessee once regulatory details have been worked out. It is not clear at this point where the market opportunities would be for locally produced industrial hemp. Continue reading
Late Planting ends Soon for Corn
Corn planting has wrapped up for most folks across the state. Late planted corn did well in an unusually wet year such as 2013, but is very risky in most years unless irrigation can be provided. Continue reading
UT Hires Cotton and Small Grains Specialist
We are pleased to announce that Dr. Tyson Raper has accepted the Cotton and Small Grains specialist position with UT and will be on board as of June 23rd. Tyson is completing last minute details on his PhD in plant physiology at the University of Arkansas where he specialized in cotton. We look forward to having him join the faculty, crew and staff here at the West TN Research and Education Center in Jackson.
Grain Sorghum Basics
I have been getting more calls about grain sorghum, as folks consider options for planting into ground treated with corn herbicides or where nitrogen levels are high enough to make soybeans not feasible Continue reading