All posts by Angela McClure, Extension Corn and Soybean Specialist

About Angela McClure, Extension Corn and Soybean Specialist

Extension Corn and Soybean Specialist

Time to Turn the Water on in Corn

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If you haven’t watered corn yet this week, you may want to think about doing so.  We have been blessed with an abundance of rain that has helped support corn development, and little irrigation has been needed.  High temps mean water demand is higher too, and it is critical to not get behind on watering corn.  Earliest planted corn is close to tasseling or tasseling which is peak demand time.  Suggested irrigation amounts are listed below for corn for those using the ‘checkbook’ method of applying water.  Continue reading

Leaning and Greensnapped Corn and Flooding

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Greensnapped corn at Milan REC; June 4, 2014

Have been checking fields this week for stalk issues in corn, especially after the high winds that occurred here lately.  Fortunately many fields look fine and corn is standing well.  In other areas at least some corn did sustain wind damage causing leaning or snapped stems.  Continue reading

UT Hires Cotton and Small Grains Specialist

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We are pleased to announce that Dr. Tyson Raper has accepted the Cotton and Small Grains specialist position with UT and will be on board as of June 23rd.  Tyson is completing last minute details on his PhD in plant physiology at the University of Arkansas where he specialized in cotton.  We look forward to having him join the faculty, crew and staff here at the West TN Research and Education Center in Jackson.