Cotton Specialists’ Corner Podcast: PGR use on dry acres, farms with mixed maturity

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We are quickly approaching the period of time in which we typically apply PGRs.  Unfortunately, May was not kind and June has been dry.  Many are struggling with figuring out when to start PGR applications and how aggressive we should be with that first application.  In this blog, I link to our most recent Cotton Specialists’ Corner podcast on this very issue.  This episode highlights several things to keep in mind before we run a stiff rate of PGR to an already stressed plant and potentially hurt yields.

I’ve been running transects across West Tennessee this week while fielding a variety of calls.  As a whole, the crop has definitely turned the corner but it has been a tough start for a substantial portion of our acres.  Several questions lately have focused around plant growth regulators- Should I start applying now?  How aggressive should I be on an acre that may not see rainfall in the next 10 days? What about farms with both squaring and 4 leaf cotton, will I hurt the young plants with an aggressive application?

Dr. Seth Byrd (OK), Dr. Bradley Wilson (MO), Dr. Guy Collins (NC) and I recorded a brief podcast tackling these questions yesterday (June 21st).  You can listen to each of our thoughts on the above questions by playing the podcast linked above.

By next week, more acres will be moving into squaring and irrigated fields may need to consider light plant growth regulator applications.  Watch the blog for a list of variety responsiveness to PGRs to be posted next week.


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