It appears that in 2019 there will be soybeans available that will be tolerant to Liberty and Roundup. MS Technologies and Bayer announced very quietly last week the commercial launch of Liberty Link GT27 soybeans. However, it will soon be MS Technologies’ and BASF’s product in a few months. One needs a score card to keep up on who has what technology now.
On top of resistance to Liberty and Roundup, these new herbicide tolerant soybeans will also have resistance to PRE applied Balance Flexx. The PRE Balance Flexx application is still pending EPA approval at this time.
We have tested this weed control system for the past several years in TN. Our research has shown than when a good PRE is followed by a POST application of Liberty plus Roundup plus a residual, very good Palmer amaranth control can be achieved. If Balance Flexx gets a label then this will be a great help on PRE applied control of Palmer amaranth as well as good help for the barnyardgrass and goosegrass that has become such an issue in places in West TN.
It sounds like there will be a decent supply of these soybeans for an initial launch in 2019. I have no knowledge of what maturity group these soybean varieties will be in this first year. However, any supply at all of these beans in our bread & butter Group IV maturity can help. With the Engenia, Fexapan and XtendiMax labels clearly in question for 2019, it is good that there is another possible Palmer amaranth management tool in soybean.