2017 County Standardized Trial (CST) Wheat yield data is now complete. CST plots are large on-farm strip trials using farmers normal production practices, and represent common production environments. Included in the table are 12 test, harvested from 11 counties across much of West TN and into Middle TN coving a wide range of variability between sites (soil type, planting date, environment, rainfall, etc.). In Franklin Co., two separate test were conducted to evaluate response of varieties to wide row (15”) and narrow row (7.5”) spacing.
A complete publication including this data and the yield data compiled from the Official Variety Trials (OVT), conducted on UT-Research and Education Centers, will be out soon. Visit http://search.utcrops.com to view more of UT’s row crop Variety Trial results.
For any information on the University of Tennessee’s variety testing program, please contact:
Ryan Blair
UT Extension-CST Coordinator
Dennis West
Plant Sciences-Wheat OVT Coordinator
Virginia Sykes
Plant Sciences-Corn and Soybean OVT Coordinator