Searchable Soybean Cultivar Database Online

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Getting ready to plan for next season? Make sure to check out the searchable database containing UT disease ratings and yields from 2013-2015 cultivar summaries, and soon to include 2016 data, at

This new searchable and sortable database contains information previously reported in the UT Soybean Disease Ratings and Yields – Test Summaries on in PDFs. Users can search by cultivar, company/brand, maturity group, herbicide trait, frogeye leaf spot level, as well as by top yielding cultivars based on county tests. The database contains individual average yields of over 200 cultivars tested in the UT County Variety Tests, as well as yields from fungicide treated and non-treated small plot, replicated research trials conducted at multiple locations. The different locations are categorized into ‘High Disease Pressure’, ‘Low-Moderate Disease Pressure’, and ‘Behind Wheat (Low-Moderate)’ disease pressure locations based on cropping history, irrigation, and previous level of disease. The database also contains frogeye leaf spot ratings, soybean cyst nematode reactions, and other diseases observed on the cultivars such as sudden death syndrome, stem canker, cercospora leaf blight, brown spot, and target spot.

A link at the bottom of the database website provides more information about the database information as well as a Questions/Comments page. The site can also be indirectly accessed through –> Soybean –> Diseases & Nematodes as well as additional information about diseases and management options in soybean. As always this database is to be utilized as one of many tools to help make decisions about cultivar selection. UTIA specialists are working to create a more comprehensive searchable database for soybean cultivars as well as other crops. At present, this additional soybean variety information can be found at