The West Tennessee Research and Education Center (WTREC) would like to cordially invite you to the 2014 University of Tennessee Cotton Tour. This event is scheduled for Wednesday, Sept. 3rd at the WTREC (605 Airways Blvd., Jackson, TN 38301). Registration will begin at 8:30 a.m. with the tour departing at 9. The tour will end at noon with lunch.
University of Tennessee Extension and Research personnel from across the state will be presenting on a wide range of topics including: fungicides and target spot, weed and resistance management, irrigation, cover crops, defoliation, plant bug control, honey bees and neonicotinoids, variable rate seeding, the potential uses of UAVs, and new information concerning the STAX program, just to mention a few. Pesticide Recertification and CCA points will be available.
Look forward to seeing you there!