Many producers have finished planting corn and stands are surprisingly decent considering the year. The earliest planted corn is around V-5 stage and due for layby N. There were a few replant calls coming in this week. The heavy rains during the early part of May followed by very cold weather caused some stand issues in a few fields particularly in northern tier counties, including a type of injury related to weather that we don’t normally see a lot of. Corn seed sprouts but plants end up leafing out underground resulting in aboveground skips and stands reduced enough to warrant a replant. Worst hit were wetter locations where those young plants were probably chilled longer as they were trying to emerge. Other factors causing ‘corkscrew corn’ can be soil compaction or herbicide injury due to incomplete closing of the slot.
We are mid way through May with good soil moisture in most parts of the state which will enable the last planted corn to get off to a good start. It is challenging to make really good yields with corn planted after mid May, but we can still plant corn and make a good crop where irrigation is available. Corn crop insurance dates were changed slightly for 2014. Full coverage insurance is available for corn planted through May 20 in west TN and through May 25 for counties along the TN river (Henry, Benton, Decatur, Hardin) and all counties east. The partial coverage window was shortened to 15 days meaning reduced coverage insurance will be available for corn planted May 21 to June 5 in west TN and May 26 to June 10 in all other counties.