Tennessee’s recommended wheat planting window (Oct 15-Nov 10) is right around the corner. The following are a few reminders that may help us achieve a decent stand going into this fall.
- Wheat needs a firm seedbed with enough loose soil to cover seed 1 to 1.5 inches. Shallow disking 2 to 4 inches is adequate following other row crops. If conditions turn off dry, plant slightly deeper but never more than 2 inches deep.
- Where soil erosion is a concern, spray a good burndown cleanup program before no-till drilling wheat.
- U of KY suggests best yields in narrow rows (4 to 8 inch) vs 15 inch rows.
- Wheat seed is typically 85% germ. For grain production, plant enough seeds per acre to get 1.3 to 1.5 million plants per acre, regardless of row spacing. (Formula: desired population divided by 0.85 divided by seeds per pound = seeds per acre to plant). Example: 1,500,000 / 0.85/ 12,000= 147 pounds per acre. Divide pounds seed per acre by 60 to calculate bushels per acre to plant.
- Use higher seeding rates where germ is unknown (bin run seed) or when broadcast seeding wheat. For broadcast seeding, spread 2 to 3 bushels of seed as uniformly as possible and incorporate with a do-all set shallow or similar equipment.
- Soil test and apply lime, P and K fertilizer for a double crop scenario before planting wheat.
- To help promote growth this fall, apply N fertilizer at a rate of 15 pounds N/acre following soybean and 30 lbs N/acre following corn or milo.
Great article Angela. Very helpful and informative.