Cotton Planting Considerations

Although you wouldn’t know if from the weather, we have now entered our recommended cotton planting window of April 20—May 10. Soil temperatures should be at least 68°F at the two inch depth with favorable conditions (accumulation of 25-50 DD60s) forecasted for the next five days. Conditions 2-5 days after planting are critical for stand establishment. Soil temperature will fluctuate daily with sunlight availability, but 65F should be considered a minimum. Soil temperatures below 65F can lead to chilling injury and greater vulnerability to seedling disease pathogens. The key is to measure the soil temperature in the field in which you are considering planting. If you decide to plant early into less than optimal conditions, be sure to use either a seed treatment (fungicide + insecticide) or an in-furrow fungicide and insecticide. 

As the planting season approaches it is easy to just think about getting acres planted as quickly as possible.  However it is good to think about the harvesting plan before cotton seed goes into the soil. Think about fiber quality, maturity and your harvest capacity when deciding what to plant first. Another thing to keep in mind when planting several different varieties is to calibrate for each variety. Today’s vacuum planters are extremely accurate but checking the seed drop when switching varieties could save you money in seed costs and headaches later with stands that are too thick or too thin. We should try to achieve a final plant population of 3 plants per foot with a goal of around 45,000 plants per acre. In order to achieve this goal, pay close attention to the warm AND cool test data provided by the seed company. All cotton seed sold should have a warm germ of at least 80% (generally much higher) but the cool test data may actually more closely resemble the actual field conditions.

Cotton Planting Forecast: You really do not have to study the forecast very hard for the next 5 days to determine it is best to leave the cotton seed in the bag.  It is very wet today Wednesday (4/24) and a 40 to 50% chance of more rain over the weekend. 

North Tenn. (Dyersburg): Predicted DD60 accumulation over the next 5 days: 10 (Very Poor). Temperatures will range from the mid 70s to lower 50s over the next 5 days. 

Central Tenn. (Jackson): Predicted DD60 accumulation over the next 5 days: 10 (Very Poor). Temperatures will range from the high 70s to lower 50s over the next 5 days. 

South Tennessee (Memphis): Predicted DD60 accumulation over the next 5 days: 10 (Very Poor). Temperatures will range from the high 70s to lower 50s over the next 5 days. 

 Middle Tennessee (Fayetteville): Predicted DD60 accumulation over the next 5 days: 9 (Very Poor). Temperatures will range from the mid 70s to high 40s over the next 5 days.

Forecast DD60s after planting Estimated Planting Conditions
<10 Very Poor
11-15 Poor
16-25 Marginal
25-50 Good
>50 Very Good


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3 thoughts on “Cotton Planting Considerations

  1. I have easily met the rain-fall part of the requirement of using Reflex as a cotton pre-emerge this year.

    1. Richard

      You are right on with that comment. Judging by the forcast for this upcoming week we will not be planting any cotton for another 7 days. Hopefully we can get back in the field by next weekend.

      Thanks for the comment,

  2. Larry’s planting forecast was dead on … we may have found a new cotton specialist

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