It is amazing how insect populations sync up with the crop. Like our corn crop, the first generation southwestern corn borer moth flight has started early. Usually it starts about now, but some folks have been catching moths in pheromone traps for a couple of weeks, and moth catches are higher than usual. Moth trapping data are linked under the “Quick Links” menu for SWCB, corn earworm (or bollworm), tobacco budworm and beet armyworm. Compared with this week last year, moth catches are up for all species.
Anyone having non-Bt corn should strongly consider having 2 or 3 SWCB pheromone traps on their farm. They are an excellent predictor of potential problems. I’ve previously posted information about the traps, trapping guidelines, and interpreting the results. We buy traps and pheromone at Great Lakes IPM (see below).
Universal Moth Traps and Hercon Lure Tapes
Cat. Nos. IPS-G004 and HC-100356, respectively
989-268-5693 or 800-235-0285