Foliar Insecticide Test on Thrips

Below are the results of a foliar insecticide test on thrips in cotton at the WTREC (rated 5/21/12).  Cotton was at the 1-leaf stage at the time of application, and an at-planting insecticide or seed treatment was not used.  The point of this test was to compare the control provided by Radiant SC and Acephate 90S.  You will note that there are two treatments containing Acephate at 0.25 lb/acre, one also including a fungicide (Quadris).  Radiant was used at the standard recommended rate of 1.5 oz/acre.  All treatments included an adjuvant (as recommended for Radiant).  Neither Acephate of Radiant provided great control, ranging from a 63-72% reduction in total thrips populations.  A second application at rating will be made this week.  The take home point is that there are no magic treatments for thrips.  Western flower thrips are not common at this location, and thus, there was no obvious advantage to using Radiant.


Mean number of thrips per 5 plants at 3 days after application.

Treatment Rate





% Control

Radiant (1.5 oz)

Dyne-amic (0.63% v/v)

14.8 b

20.5  b


Acephate (0.25 lb)

Dyne-amic (0.63% v/v)

18.0  b

18.8  b


Quadris (6 oz)

Acephate (0.25 lb)

Dyne-amic (0.63% v/v)

19.0  b

24.8  b



57.3  a

66.8  a


Means not followed by a common letter are significantly different (P < 0.05)

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