Corn Crop- Still Looking Good

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What an unusual spring- but in a good way this time!  Several growers are reporting being 100% completed with corn planting (and gearing up to plant a few soybeans) or much farther along than is typical for us by mid-April.  As of April 9 we were about 46% planted for the state compared to a 5-year average of 15%.  Corn planted in mid to late March was out of the ground in one week.  Corn planted a week later is emerging more slowly due to more cloudy and cool weather but stands generally look good and color is pretty good.  If you have checked any fields today (friday) we can see some leaf damage to small corn from light frosts reported 2 nights this week around the state.  Injury is sporadic (low spots, exposed hills) and some fields have no visible injury at all.  I think with temperatures close to freezing but not really much below freezing, we missed the worst effects of a hard freeze.  The growing point for corn is still below ground and light frost injury should not cause any effect on yields.

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