Cotton Focus Meeting

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There’s a slight change to the annual University of Tennessee Cotton Focus. This year it will be held in conjunction with the Mid-South Farm and Gin Show in Memphis, Tennessee.  The Gin Show takes place on March 2-3, with the UT Cotton Focus scheduled for Friday, March 2 from 1:00 – 4:30 p.m. The events will be held in the Memphis Cook Convention Center.
With the new location the Cotton Focus schedule has expanded to include presentations from regional experts from the University of Arkansas, Mississippi State University and the United States Department of Agriculture, as well as UT Research and Extension Specialists.  These speakers will cover topics like new Bt technologies, glyphosate-resistant weed management and cotton variety performance.  The complete schedule is available online at or
“Cotton Focus serves as a valuable learning opportunity for many area producers and industry employees,” says UT Extension Cotton Specialist Chris Main.  “Visitors have the chance to hear the latest findings in cotton research, and have their questions answered by university specialists before planting begins.”
Pesticide points and Certified Crop Advisor Points will be available to participants.
The Memphis Cook Convention Center is located at 255 North Main Street in Memphis.  For more detailed information concerning Cotton Focus visit the website, or contact Dr. Chris Main at


Cotton Focus Agenda

March 2, 2012

1:00-4:30 pm

Cook Convention Center, Memphis

1:00  Welcome and Opening Comments, Dr. Larry Arrington, Chancellor University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture

1:10 Tennessee Boll Weevil Eradication Board, Mr. Boyd Barker, Tennessee Department of Agriculture

1:30 Dr. Scott Stewart, University of Tennessee: Insecticide Seed Treatments and new Bt Technologies.

1:50 Dr. Ryan Jackson, USDA-ARS Stoneville, MS: Performance of Bt Cotton Technologies and Supplemental Insecticide Applications Against Bollworms.

2:10 Dr. Scott Akin, University of Arkansas, Monticello, AR: Management strategies for thrips …. should I overspray?

2:30 Dr. Jason Bond, Mississippi State University, Stoneville, MS: Late Burndown Options for Glyphosate-Resistant Ryegrass and Status of Glyphosate-Resistant Palmer in the Mississippi Delta.

2:50 Dr. Ken Smith, University of Arkansas, Monticelllo, AR: Myths and Facts of Pigweed Control.

3:10 Dr. Larry Steckel, University of Tennessee: The Double Edged Sword of Pre-emergence Herbicides.

3:30 Dr. Darrin Dodds, Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS: Cotton Response to Glufosinate Application.

3:50 Dr. Tom Barber, University of Arkansas, Little Rock, AR: Variable Rate Seeding: Concepts and Practical Applications.

4:10 Dr. Chris Main, University of Tennessee: Cotton Variety Performance: Yield, Yield Stability, and Fiber Quality.

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