User Features for Our News Blog

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It seems like a good time to point out some features for people using our news blog. 

  • If you submit a comment or question, it will be viewable to the public.  So will any response.  The first time you leave a comment, it must be approved before it shows up; thus, there may be a delay before you see it on the blog.  This is to prevent spam.  Comments are “closed” for articles older than 14 days. 
  • You can click on images to view them full size.
  • The “Find It Here” menu will filter for all articles related to that category.
  • You will find links to our main website (, upcoming events, and selected publications at the top of the page.
  • You can enter specific search words in the search box (top right) to find articles that contain that word or phrase.
  • For SmartPhones, the blog loads in a mobile friendly format.  You can switch to the normal web view by turning the mobile theme off (at the bottom of the page).  Also, the “Find It Here” categories and other links can be accessed by clicking the down arrow at the upper, right-hand corner of the page (if you are viewing the mobile theme).
  • The “Quick Links” on the left menu are not available when viewing the blog on your phone (if you are using the mobile theme).   Quick Links include new or commonly referenced items.  It also includes a link to the MSU Crops News Blog, which is similarly designed.
  • You will also find links to other “Ag News” at the very bottom of the web page (not visible on the mobile version).  This is a feed from, and includes updates from across the county.
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