Over the past several years many have had concerns about scouring rush creeping into crop production areas. Scouring rush is not a typical agronomic weed. It normally grows along fence rows, ditch banks, and low lying areas. However, in long term no-tillage production systems scouring rush is increasingly encroaching into crop production areas.
Since scouring rush is starting to make an appearance at the agronomic scene, a study was conducted to test a variety of control options around the edge of a corn production scenario. Test results 7 days after application indicate that Liberty 280 (36 oz/A) tank mixed with Roundup Powermax (22 oz/A) provided 61% control in a single application, compared to 10% control with Roundup Powermax (22 oz/A) alone. Crossbow (1 gal/A) tank mixed with Roundup Powermax (22 oz/A) provided the highest amount of control with 79% and Forefront R&P (42 oz/A) tank mixed with Roundup Powermax (22 oz/A) rounded out the top three with 68% control with a single application. More weekly ratings are to be conducted to determine the long term effect on scouring rush population and sequential applications may increase control. Note that these herbicides, with the exception of Liberty 280, are not labeled for agronomic crop use and could cause potential harm to growing agronomic crops, but could be an option in pastures.