Category Archives: Marketing

Tennessee Market Highlights

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Corn, cotton, and soybeans were down; wheat was up for the week. In October, December corn futures declined 5 ½ cents from $3.87 ¾ to $3.82 ¼. Increased estimated domestic production and reduced exports were the primary drivers in the futures price decline. Increasing US corn exports will continue to remain challenging as the strength of the USD and high global corn stocks remain a significant hurdle. Continue reading at Tennessee Market Highlights.

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Market Highlights

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Corn, cotton, and wheat were up; soybeans were down for the week. The last 15 trading days, December corn futures traded in a 15 cent band from $3.70 to $3.87. Nationally, corn harvest progressed 16% this past week to an estimated 75% complete (96% complete in Tennessee). Post-harvest we will likely see a mild seasonal appreciation in corn futures prices. A substantial rally remains unlikely due to large global grain stocks and a strong US dollar. Continue reading at Tennessee Market Highlights

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Tennessee Market Highlights

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Corn was mixed; soybeans, cotton, and wheat were down for the week. Harvest continues to progress in Tennessee. Corn is almost finished and soybeans should be over two thirds done by the end of the weekend. December 2015 corn futures continue to trade between $3.70 and $4.00. Failure to hold the key support level of $3.70 could see further deterioration in futures prices and challenge the contract low of $3.57 ½, established on August 12th. In October, Tennessee cash prices have held up reasonably well with a price range of $3.33 to $4.13 and an average of $3.69 reported at elevators and barge points. Continue reading at Tennessee Market Highlights.

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Tennessee Market Highlights

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Soybeans and cotton were up; corn and wheat were down for the week. As corn harvest finishes up and soybean harvest enters its peak in Tennessee, producers should look for pricing opportunities for both the 2015 and 2016 crop. Producers should have a marketing plan developed for this year’s remaining crop and next year’s crop. The plan should not be overly complicated and should be revised on regular basis to reflect changes in market conditions and individual farm circumstances. Two important factors to consider are: 1) sale price points (cost of production plus a reasonable return to equipment, land, labor, and management) on a farm-by-farm basis; and 2)marketing tools (cash contracts, futures, options, brokerage services etc.) that the producer is comfortable using. Establishing a basic marketing plan will allow producers to more objectively evaluate the opportunities that markets are offering them. Continue reading at Tennessee Market Highlights.

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Market Highlights

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Soybeans and cotton were up; corn was down; and wheat was mixed for the week. On Friday the USDA released the October World Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) and Crop Production reports. Overall, the report provided mixed news across commodities, however in general the report failed to provide the bullish news, particularly for corn, that many were hoping would result in a futures price rally.  Continue reading at Tennessee Market Highlights.

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Market Highlights

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Wheat was up; soybeans were down; cotton and corn were mixed for the week. Corn and soybeans traded sideways this week in ranges of 11 and 34 cents, respectively. December cotton futures continued to trade in the recently established 59.5-61.5 cent range, although we are likely to see a return back to 62-68 cent range in the not too distant future.  Continue reading at Tennessee Market Highlights.

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Market Highlights

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Corn, soybeans, and wheat were up; cotton was mixed for the week. December corn rallied at the end of the week posting double digit gains from this week’s low on Monday. In Tennessee, gains in the futures market were offset by a weakening basis at barge points and county elevators as harvest was in full swing until rain came on Thursday/Friday. December futures are now almost 30 cents higher than the contract low of $3.57 ½ on August 12th. Continue reading at Tennessee Market Highlights.

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