Category Archives: Farm Management

Important Crop Insurance Deadline Near for Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Tennessee Producers

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The USDA’s Risk Management Agency (RMA) reminds all producers in Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee, including fruit, vegetable, and nursery producers that they need to have their Highly Erodible Conservation and Wetland Conservation Certification form (AD-1026) on file with their local USDA Service Center by June 1, 2015. Continue reading at June 1 2015 USDA deadline.

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Custom planting: How much to pay and how much to charge

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While profit margins are expected to be tight this year, money spent on getting the crop planted timely and efficiently is money well spent. The wet weather and saturated soils have delayed normal spring planting preparations such as field work and or burn down applications for many parts of the Southeast. This could start to compress the crop planting into a smaller window than we would like. Continue reading at Southeast Farm Press.

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Profitability Outlook Update

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The profitability outlook has been updated after the release of the April 9, 2015 USDA WASDE reports. Today’s market reaction while negative, did not change much in the profitability outlook. I would like to point out the cotton price of 70 cents that is being used in the profitability outlook. I would guess that there has been very little cotton priced for 2015. The price of 70 cents is made up of a cash price of 62 – 63 cents and gin rebates (seed & hauling) of 7-8 cents. Continue reading at Profitability Outlook April 9 2015.

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Profitability Outlook Update- March 31, 2015

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The profitability outlook has been updated after the release of the March 31 Planting Intentions and Quarterly Grain Stocks reports. While the market did react to those reports, there was not much change in the profitability outlook since the March 10th USDA WASDE reports. Continue reading at Profitability Outlook March 31 2015.

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USDA Extends ARC and PLC Deadlines Farmers Have Until April 7 to Update Yields, Reallocate Base Acres, and make Final Selection

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WASHINGTON, March 27, 2015 – Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today provided farm owners and producers one additional week, until April 7, 2015, to choose between Agriculture Risk Coverage (ARC) and Price Loss Coverage (PLC), the safety-net programs established by the 2014 Farm Bill. The final day to update yield history or reallocate base acres also will be April 7, 2015.

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Comments on March 10 USDA report and Profitability Update

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Corn U.S. feed grain ending stocks for 2014/15 are projected lower with reductions for corn and barley. Corn use in ethanol production is projected 50 million bushels lower based on the new Grain Crushings and Co-Products Production report recently released by the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS). Reported corn use for ethanol for October through January implies a higher conversion rate than previously assumed. Continue reading comments on the march 10th USDA reports and an Profitability Update at Monthly Crop Outlook.

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Farm bill: Who takes the risk and who makes decisions?

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During winter meetings, I asked farmers, in regard to their operations, this simple question: “Who is the risk taker and decision maker?” From a producer standpoint, the answer is a resounding “I am!” However, a trend I have noticed in recent years is an over reliance on someone else to make decisions. Continue reading at Southeast Farm Press.

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Deadline for Base Reallocation/Yield Update February 27

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The deadline for the Farm Bill Base Reallocation and Yield Update is Friday, February 27, 2015. Producers and landowners who have not made this decision at their Farm Service Agency (FSA) must at least get on an register or list at  their FSA office.  You would then schedule an appointment to come in and take care of this part of the farm bill.  Contact your FSA office for more information and to get on the list. Failure to do so will result in no choice on base reallocation or yield update.

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