All posts by Chuck Danehower, Extension Area Specialist - Farm Management

Crop Progress

As reported by NASS on September 24, 2012


Farmers in West Tennessee at week’s end were essentially finished with corn harvest and will be concentrating next week on cotton and soybean harvest. Middle and East Tennessee growers continued harvesting hay, tobacco, and a few soybean and corn fields. Producers throughout the state were also preparing fields for seeding the 2013 wheat crop. Armyworm pressure and weed control continued in pastures. Continue reading

Weekly Crop Marketing Comments

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Corn, cotton, soybeans and wheat prices are all down for the week. The U.S. Dollar Index before the close was 79.395 up 0.41 for the week. The Dow Jones Industrial Average before the close was 13,580 down 13 points since last Friday. Crude Oil before the close was 93.06 a barrel, down 5.94 a barrel for the week. Continue reading

Crop Progress

As reported by NASS on September 17, 2012


Corn and hay harvest were still going strong last week but were accompanied by the start of soybean and cotton harvests. Dark tobacco harvest continued to run behind schedule. Growers reported struggling to get the heavy leaves into the barn. Scarcity of labor has also contributed to the delay. Cotton was opening with defoliation underway. The soybean crop was filling pods nicely. Pastures were in good condition for this time of year but weedy. Insects, particularly armyworms, were present. Continue reading

Profitability Outlook – 2013

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This table should be used as a guide as yields, prices, and expenses will vary among producers and locations. This table is a look at the start of the 2013 planning process as wheat seeding will soon be upon us. Yields are average yields for Tennessee with prices adjusted for the 2013 production year. Expenses will vary among producers and production systems. Continue reading

Comments on the USDA Supply & Demand Report

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In today’s report, old crop corn ending stocks were raised 160 million bushels from last month to 1.181 billion bushels as feed/residual use was slashed 150 million bushels and exports reduced 10 million bushels. The average trade guess for ending stocks was 1.014 billion bushels. Continue reading

Prepare for Crop Insurance Audits

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Due to the drought and reduced yields in crops, it is expected that crop insurance claims will be up this year. This will be dependent not only on crop yields, but coverage levels and types of policies that producers have purchased.  Never the less, overall yields will be down but it is yet to be determined just how much will be paid out in indemnity payments. Continue reading