All posts by Chuck Danehower, Extension Area Specialist - Farm Management

Comments on the April 10 USDA Supply & Demand reports

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In light of the March 28 Grain Stock’s report, this month’s USDA report was neutral to friendly for U.S. corn stocks but bearish on the world numbers. U.S. corn ending stocks increased 125 million bushels to 757 million bushels, but the trade was expecting on the average 824 million bushels. Continue reading

Crop Progress

As reported by NASS on April 8, 2013


A mixture of a wet spring and below normal temperatures has delayed field activities. Corn planting, in particular, has been delayed and at week’s end was only one percent completed. This compares with the near record pace last year and the five-year average of 13 percent. The main farm activities last week included top-dressing wheat, fertilizer application and working livestock. The fruit acreage was budding and starting to bloom. The wheat crop, which is in mostly good-to-excellent condition, is in the jointing stage. Pastures just this week showed good growth. Cattle were in good condition. Continue reading

Weekly Crop Marketing Comments

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U.S. Dollar



Crude Oil






Wheat prices are up while corn, cotton, and soybean prices are down for the week. A disappointing jobs report released Friday reflected weaker than expected jobs growth for March. This has led today’s decline in the Dow. Toward the end of the week the Bank of Japan unveiled changes to its monetary policy with the effects of a drop in the yen and strength in the dollar. Continue reading

Weekly Crop Marketing Comments

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Cotton prices are up while corn, soybean, and wheat prices are down for the shortened trading week through March 28. Grain markets responded negatively March 28 to the bearish grain stocks reports led mainly by surprisingly bearish corn stocks. Follow through electronic trading April 1 indicates the bottom has not yet been found. Corn prices particularly are having trouble with the larger than expected stocks. Continue reading

Profitability Outlook Update

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Prices have been updated after today’s USDA Grain Stocks and Prospective Plantings reports. Please note that I added a row on the bottom with breakeven prices at average yields and the specified costs including variable, land and fixed cost. Prices will vary depending on location and buyers. Overall, after today’s reports cotton’s profitability improved slightly while grains dropped some from after the March 8 USDA report. Continue reading

Weekly Crop Marketing Comments

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U.S. Dollar



Crude Oil






Corn, soybeans, and wheat prices are up while cotton prices are down for the week. Markets most likely will be positioning themselves leading up to the March 28 USDA reports on grain stocks and planting intentions for the 2013 crop. Continue reading

Weekly Crop Marketing Comments

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U.S. Dollar



Crude Oil






Corn, cotton and wheat prices are up while soybean prices are down for the week. U.S. stocks fell Friday ending the longest winning streak for the Dow in nearly 17 years. Prior to today, the Dow had closed up 10 straight days. Watch for the market to become sensitive to planting weather as planters start to roll. Continue reading