All posts by Chuck Danehower, Extension Area Specialist - Farm Management

Crop Progress

As reported by NASS on August 4, 2014


There is general consensus that a good, soaking rain is needed across most of the State to minimize plant and pasture stress. Even through these weather conditions, both corn and soybeans are expected to produce good yields. Cool temperatures last week limited heat units for cotton, causing some producer concern. Continue reading at Crop Progress 8 3 14.

Tennessee Market Highlights

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Corn, wheat, and cotton were down; soybeans were mixed for the week. The majority of crops across the country and throughout Tennessee are in good to excellent condition. As such, as we approach harvest this fall the likeli-hood of record production for corn and soybeans continues to increase. Hav-ing downside price protection entering the 2014 harvest period is strongly encouraged. Continue reading at Tennessee Market Highlights.


Crop Progress

As reported by NASS on July 27, 2014


The past week was very favorable for field work. Rains varied greatly across the State, providing some crops with needed moisture while leaving others stressed. With temperatures remaining cooler than normal, however, cotton growers are still concerned that the crop will not receive adequate heat units. A good general rain is still needed in some parts of the State.  Continue reading at Crop Progress 7 27 14.

Tennessee Market Highlights – July 25, 2014

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Corn and cotton were down, soybeans were mixed, and wheat was up for the week. Corn prices have continued on their downward trend as record yields appear to be coming to fruition. Conditions could change between now and harvest however that window is getting smaller and smaller with each passing week. Continue reading at Continue reading

Ag Market Network Cotton Market Roundtable July 25th

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The annual Ag Market Network Cotton Market Roundtable discussion will be held Friday, July 25, 2014 at 7:30 a.m. central. A distinguished panel of cotton experts will discuss today’s cotton market including: crop conditions, domestic demand, exports and farm policy.  For more information please click on this link Ag Market Network Meeting – JULY 25 2014 . Listen live at .  


Crop Progress

As reported by NASS on July 21, 2014


With no end in sight for some producers, rains have drowned out some crop acreages and prevented planting of others. The wet weather is, however, helping soybean and corn development but heat units are still needed for the cotton crop because of its sensitivity to adverse environmental conditions. Continue reading at Crop Progress 7 20 14 .

As crop prices fall, can growers produce their way to profit this year?

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Recently I  discussed the need for producers to perform a mid-year financial checkup on their operation. That has become even more critical after the July 11 USDA crop report and the realization that commodity prices are in a downtrend with little prospects to turn upward. Continue reading at Southeast Farm Press.