All posts by Chuck Danehower, Extension Area Specialist - Farm Management

Weekly Crop Marketing Comments

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Cotton prices are mixed with corn, soybean, and wheat prices down since last Friday. The September U.S. Dollar Index was trading before the close at 76.13, up .66 since last Friday. The Dow Jones Industrial Average before the close was 11,960; down 94 points for the week. Crude Oil was trading at 90.59 a barrel, down 2.81 a barrel since last Friday. A strengthening dollar and concerns over the world’s general economic picture have weighed heavy on the market this past week. Continue reading

Crop Watch

As reported by NASS on June 20, 2011

RAIN ARRIVES AS WHEAT HARVEST PROGRESSES.  A slow-moving front dropped precipitation across most of Tennessee last week, creating improved conditions for spring-planted crops. Normal temperatures coupled with rains provided a welcome relief for farmers concerned about the effect of hot and dry weather earlier this month. In between rains, farmers were busy harvesting Continue reading

Weekly Crop Marketing Comments

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Comments and prices are through Wednesday, June 15, 2011. Corn, soybean, and wheat prices are down with cotton mixed through mid-week. The September U.S. Dollar Index was trading at 76.09, up .89 since last Friday. The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at 11,897; down 94 points through mid-week. Crude Oil was Continue reading

Crop Watch

As reported by NASS on June 13, 2011


Spurred on by another week of hot, dry conditions, Tennessee’s wheat farmers were able to harvest well over a third of the crop last week. Producers have harvested more of the winter wheat crop by this time of year than any other spring since 2006. Warmer than average temperatures coupled with Continue reading

Weekly Crop Marketing Comments

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Corn prices are up with cotton, soybean and wheat prices down for the week. The June U.S. Dollar Index was trading mid day at 74.80, up 1.05 for the week. The Dow Jones Industrial Average traded mid day at 11,991; down 166 points for the week. Crude Oil was trading mid day at 99.37 a barrel, down 1.20 a barrel for the week. Continue reading

Comments on USDA Supply & Demand Report

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June 9, 2011


USDA in this month’s report left ending stocks from May at 730 million bushels for the 2010/11 marketing year, compared to the average trade guess of 715 million bushels.  The stocks to use ratio is still at a tight 5.4%.  The season average price for 2010/11 is forecast to range from $5.20 – $5.50, an increase of 10 cents on both ends. Continue reading

Crop Watch

As reported by NASS on June 6, 2011


Tennessee farmers took advantage of unseasonably hot and dry weather to make progress planting cotton and soybeans last week. Hay producers also made use of the dry conditions and were able to cut significant amount of the state’s hay acreage. By week’s end, corn planting was virtually complete. Continue reading

Weekly Crop Marketing Comments

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Corn prices are mixed with cotton, and soybean prices up and wheat prices down for the week. The June U.S. Dollar Index was trading mid day at 73.82, down 1.08 for the week. The Dow Jones Industrial Average traded mid day at 12,196; down 246 points for the week. Crude Oil was trading mid day at 100.11 a barrel, down 0.34 a barrel for the week. Economic news out this week was not favorable for the overall economy, hence the drop in the Dow. Continue reading