All posts by Chuck Danehower, Extension Area Specialist - Farm Management

Weekly Crop Marketing Comments

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Corn and cotton prices are up; wheat prices are mixed and soybean prices down for the week. The December U.S. Dollar Index was trading before the close at 79.13, up 0.04 since last Friday. The Dow Jones Industrial Average before the close was trading up 302 points for the week at 11,215. Crude Oil was trading before the close at 83.05 a barrel, up 3.85 a barrel since last Friday. Jobs data out today (October 7) estimates that the U.S. added 103,000 jobs in September and that more jobs were added in July and August than were first estimated. The unemployment rate stayed steady at 9.1%. These figures were better than expected and calmed some fears that the U.S. was slipping back into a recession. However, it also shows that the economy is not gaining much momentum. Continue reading

Crop Watch

As reported by NASS on October 3, 2011


Tennessee farmers took advantage of the fall-like weather last week and made good progress harvesting row crops. With virtually the entire corn crop now mature, harvest is surpassing the normal progress pace by a few days. Two-thirds of the state’s cotton acreage has been defoliated with just over a tenth of the acreage harvested. Most of the wheat seeded to date is for silage or pasture. Continue reading

Weekly Crop Marketing Comments

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Corn, cotton, soybeans, and wheat prices are all down for the week. The December U.S. Dollar Index was trading before the close at 79.09, down 0.14 since last Friday. The Dow Jones Industrial Average before the close was trading up 219 points for the week at 11,007. Crude Oil was trading before the close at 79.09 a barrel, down 0.76 a barrel since last Friday. Financial markets remain unsettled as Europe works toward a bailout package for Greece. Funds liquidated positions this week putting pressure on the markets either as a reaction to financial markets, squaring positions for the end of the quarter or squaring positions before today’s grain stock report. Continue reading

Crop Watch

As reported by NASS on September 26, 2011



Substantial rainfall interrupted field activities last week, but growers were not too concerned as moisture continued to help late-planted soybean development and pasture conditions. As of Sunday corn harvest was still on-schedule with cotton and soybeans ten days to two weeks behind their five year average pace. Besides these harvest activities, between showers producers were over-seeding pastures, defoliating cotton, and cutting a little hay. Continue reading

Weekly Crop Marketing Comments

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Corn, cotton, soybeans, and wheat prices are all down for the week. The December U.S. Dollar Index was trading before the close at 79.09, up 2.00 since last Friday. The Dow Jones Industrial Average before the close was trading down 721 points for the week at 10,788. Crude Oil was trading before the close at 80.30 a barrel, down 7.88 a barrel since last Friday.  Fear and panic again griped the stock and commodity markets this week as the U.S. Dollar was the only thing up. Comments from the Fed that significant downside risk to the economic outlook including strains on global financial markets contributed to the meltdown. Continue reading

Crop Watch

As reported by NASS on September 19, 2011



Tennessee farmers continued to concentrate on shelling corn last week, but also started harvesting early-planted soybeans and cotton. With the benefit of cooler temperatures and recent showers pastures continued to improve and were rated in mostly fair condition. Cotton defoliation, hay harvest, and fall forage seeding continued. Some hay producers are hoping for a third cutting. Continue reading

Weekly Crop Marketing Comments

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Corn, cotton, soybeans, and wheat prices are all down for the week. The September U.S. Dollar Index was trading before the close at 76.66, down 0.59 since last Friday. The Dow Jones Industrial Average before the close was trading up 493 points for the week at 11,490. Crude Oil was trading before the close at 87.77 a barrel, up 0.51 a barrel since last Friday.  USDA released its monthly supply and demand report September 12 with comments on this report posted at . The monthly update had a mostly neutral to bearish tone overall with the exception of corn which was neutral to bullish. The markets do appear to be turning to a more seasonal pattern particularly for grains as harvest pressure looks to help prices ease as combines roll. Continue reading

Crop Watch

As reported by NASS on September 12, 2011



West Tennessee received only scattered showers last week, leaving several areas still very dry. In other regions, remnants of tropical storm Lee brought heavy rainfall, thus greatly benefiting crops and pastures. Pasture conditions improved significantly, as 64 percent of pastures are rated in fair-to-good condition as compared to 52 percent a week ago. Harvesting activities slowed in many areas but picked-up over the weekend. Despite the rain, it was a busy week for farmers as they continued harvesting corn, milo, and tobacco, chopping silage, cutting hay, defoliating cotton and fall seeding. Continue reading