All posts by Chuck Danehower, Extension Area Specialist - Farm Management

Crop Watch

As reported by NASS on October 31, 2011


Fall harvest progress continues to be right on target with the normal pace in spite of rainfall received late in the week. In addition to harvest activities last week, producers were actively drilling wheat, preparing tobacco for sale, mowing cotton stalks, applying lime, and marketing calves. Cattle producers have started preparing for the winter months and pastures continue to generally be in fair-to-good condition for this time of year. Continue reading

Weekly Crop Marketing Comments

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Corn, cotton, soybean and wheat prices are all up for the week. The December U.S. Dollar Index was trading before the close at 75.22, down 1.40 since last Friday. The Dow Jones Industrial Average before the close was trading up 406 points for the week at 12,215. Crude Oil was trading before the close at 93.34 a barrel, up 5.75 a barrel since last Friday. Markets anxiously awaited news from the European Union Summit this week and at least initially were pleased with the outcome. European leaders agreed to an expansion of a rescue fund for indebted nations and reached an agreement with lenders on write down of Greek debt. Based on this news, the Euro strengthened, the U.S. Dollar weakened and commodity prices went up. Continue reading

Crop Watch

As reported by NASS on October 24, 2011


Fall harvest progress is right on target with the average rate thanks to five full days suitable for fieldwork last week. Grower’s also reported adequate rainfall to assist the emerging winter wheat and forage crops. Routine activities, other than harvest and seeding last week, included final application of cotton defoliant, preparing tobacco for sale, and marketing calves. Pastures continue in fair-to-good condition for this time of year. Continue reading

Weekly Crop Marketing Comments

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Corn and wheat prices are up with cotton and soybean prices down for the week. The December U.S. Dollar Index was trading before the close at 76.62, down 0.30 since last Friday. The Dow Jones Industrial Average before the close was trading up 120 points for the week at 11,764. Crude Oil was trading before the close at 87.59 a barrel, up 0.07 a barrel since last Friday. Continue reading

Crop Watch

As reported by NASS on October 17, 2011



Tennessee farmers last week were greeted with rainfall that slightly delayed fall harvest but was welcomed by growers seeding wheat and forage. Corn and tobacco harvest at week’s end was just about wrapped-up while the pace for soybeans and cotton picked-up steam and was less than a week behind schedule. Besides fall harvest and seeding activities, Tennessee producers were defoliating cotton, cutting hay and preparing tobacco for market. Pastures were rated in fair-to-good condition. Continue reading

Weekly Crop Marketing Comments

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Corn, soybean, and wheat prices are up with cotton prices about even for the week. The December U.S. Dollar Index was trading before the close at 76.92, down 2.23 (2.9%) since last Friday. The Dow Jones Industrial Average before the close was trading up 507 points for the week at 11,610. Crude Oil was trading before the close at 87.51 a barrel, up 4.34 a barrel since last Friday. A mostly bearish USDA Supply and Demand report on October 12 has been for the most part overlooked by the markets as more emphasis this week has been on exports to China and a weakening dollar. Continue reading

Comments on USDA Supply & Demand Report

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Based on the September 30 Grain Stocks report, USDA raised ending stocks 208 million bushels from September to 1.128 billion bushels for the 2010/11 marketing year. Changes were a 15 million bushel decrease in food use for sweeteners and starch; a 197 million bushel decrease in feed and residual use; and a 3 million bushel decrease in imports. The season average price for the 2010/11marketing year is estimated at $5.18 bushel. World ending stocks for 2010/11 increased 215 million bushels to 5.109 billion. Changes made in the 2011/12 projection on the production side were a 64 million bushel reduction in production to 12.433 billion bushels compared to the average pre report guess of 12.479 billion bushels. Continue reading

Crop Watch

As reported by NASS on October 11, 2011




Tennessee farmers made significant harvest progress during last week’s dry fall weather. Corn and tobacco harvests at week’s end were winding down while soybean and cotton harvests were in high gear, even though progress lagged behind normal and last year’s rapid pace. The cotton and soybean crops were rated mostly in good-to-excellent condition. Other activities last week included wheat and forage seeding, cutting hay, applying lime, and defoliating cotton. Continue reading