All posts by Chuck Danehower, Extension Area Specialist - Farm Management

National Cotton Council Producer Survey Suggests U.S. Cotton Acreage at 13.63 Million Acres

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The National Cotton Council released their annual producer cotton planting intentions survey today with cotton producers suggesting that they will plant 13.63 million acres in 2012, down 1.1 million acres or 7.5% from 2011. This is slightly higher than the 13.5 million acres number that has been bantered around. The breakdown is 13.34 million acres of upland cotton (down 7.5% from 2011) and 287,000 acres of extra-long stable (down 6.4% from 2011). Continue reading

Weekly Crop Marketing Comments

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Corn, cotton, and wheat prices are all down while soybean prices are mixed for the week. The March U.S. Dollar Index traded before the close at 79.24, up .18 for the week. The Dow Jones Industrial Average before the close was down 107 points for the week at 12,755. Crude Oil closed at 98.82 a barrel, up .98 a barrel for the week. USDA updated their monthly Supply & Demand report on February 9 and for the most part was a neutral report with the exception of cotton where ending stocks increased rather than decrease. Continue reading

Comments on the February 9, 2012 USDA Supply & Demand Reports

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In today’s report, ending stocks were lowered 45 million bushels to 801 million bushels and a 6.3% stock to use ratio. The trade was expecting stocks of 797 million bushels. Adjustments were a 5 million bushel increase in imports and a 50 million bushel increase in exports with reduced supplies in Argentina and recent increases in both sales and shipments. The season average price is projected to range from $5.80 to $6.60 a bushel, narrowed 10 cents on both ends. Global corn stocks decreased 109.8 million bushels from last month to 4.935 billion bushels on mainly lower production in Argentina and Paraguay. The global stocks to use ratio is projected to be 14.5%, the tightest since 1973/74. Continue reading

Weekly Crop Marketing Comments

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Comments and prices are through Thursday, February 2, 2012. Corn and wheat prices are up while cotton and soybean prices are mixed for the week. The March U.S. Dollar Index closed on Thursday at 79.11, up .10 for the week. The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed Thursday up 47 points for the week at 12,707. Crude Oil closed at 96.60 a barrel, down 2.96 a barrel for the week. The market continues to watch the weather and production prospects in South America while the U.S. Dollar ebbs and flows with Europe’s latest financial news. Continue reading

Weekly Crop Marketing Comments

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Corn, soybean, and wheat prices are up while cotton prices are mixed for the week. The March U.S. Dollar Index before the close on Friday was at 79.005, down 1.41 for the week. The Dow Jones Industrial Average before the close was down 60 points for the week at 12,660. Crude Oil was trading before the close at 99.56 a barrel, up 1.23 a barrel for the week. The Federal Reserve came out with a statement during Continue reading

Weekly Crop Marketing Comments

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Cotton and soybean prices are up while corn and wheat prices are mixed for the week. The March U.S. Dollar Index before the close on Friday was at 80.42, down 1.37 for the week. The Dow Jones Industrial Average before the close was up 278 points for the week at 12,694. Crude Oil was trading before the close at 98.36 a barrel, down 0.52 a barrel for the week. European measures this week have been positive to the Euro and caused weakness in the dollar. Continue reading

Weekly Crop Marketing Comments

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Corn, soybeans, and wheat prices are down while cotton prices are mixed for the week. The March U.S. Dollar Index before the close on Friday was at 81.82, up 0.22 for the week. The Dow Jones Industrial Average before the close was up 19 points for the week at 12,378. Crude Oil was trading before the close at 98.81 a barrel, down 2.75 a barrel. Continued concerns in Europe, particularly Greece put pressure on the Euro causing strength in the Dollar. Weather in Argentina and southern Brazil will be closely watched over the next month and its impact on their corn and soybean production. Continue reading