Tennessee Weather and Crop Progress

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Hot, dry conditions allowed farmers to make excellent progress planting corn, cotton and soybeans. Corn farmers continued to side-dress nitrogen. The harvest of first-cutting hay was in full swing with substantial acreage being cut in preparation for baling over the holiday weekend. Higher than normal temperatures have placed a lot of stress on livestock. There were 6.2 days suitable for fieldwork last week. Topsoil moisture rated 2 percent very short, 19 percent short, 72 percent adequate, and 7 percent surplus. Subsoil moisture rated 1 percent very short, 8 percent short, 75 percent adequate, and 16 percent surplus. You can read the rest of the Tennessee Crop Weather report at TN Crop Weather 05_28_19. Also, you can view the U.S. crop progress report at US Crop Progress 05_28_2019. You will notice that corn acreage is far behind the 5 year average for most of the Midwest.  This may have an impact on new crop corn prices.