Comments on USDA Supply & Demand Report

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June 9, 2011


USDA in this month’s report left ending stocks from May at 730 million bushels for the 2010/11 marketing year, compared to the average trade guess of 715 million bushels.  The stocks to use ratio is still at a tight 5.4%.  The season average price for 2010/11 is forecast to range from $5.20 – $5.50, an increase of 10 cents on both ends. World ending stocks for 2010/11 decreased 187 million bushels to 4.624 billion bushels mainly on higher China corn consumption offsetting higher production. In somewhat of a surprise, USDA for 2011/12 went ahead and lowered planted acres 1.5 million acres to 90.7 million acres rather than wait for the June 30 Acreage Report. Projected harvested acreage was also lowered 1.9 million acres to 83.2 million acres reflecting lower planted and most likely a loss of acreage in the Missouri River basin.  Yields were left at the May level of 158.7 making production of 13.2 billion bushels, a drop of 305 million bushels. The only adjustment on the demand side was feed use and it was dropped 100 million bushels. Ending stocks for 2011/12 are projected at 695 million bushels, a drop of 205 million bushels from May. The average trade guess was 800 million bushels. The stocks to use ratio is estimated at 5.2% with the season average price projected to range from $6.00 to $7.00 a bushel, an increase of 50 cents on both ends. Global corn stocks are estimated to decrease 13.4% or 679 million bushels from the May report to 4.405 billion bushels on lower beginning stocks and increased consumption in China. China’s ending stocks were reduced 472 million bushels reflecting their struggles on production to keep pace with rising usage. September corn closed up 18 cents at $7.54 a bushel. Technical’s have a strong buy bias with support at $7.16 and resistance at $7.83 a bushel. I am currently 50% priced for 2011 and would make catch up sales to 50% and then  hold at this level until we get further along in the growing season. Over the past 30 years the average difference between the June projection for U.S. ending stocks and the final estimate has been 630 million bushels with 15 years below the final estimate and 15 years above.  These numbers can and will change, but do reflect the best information and estimates at the time of the report. USDA will release an Acreage Report and Grain Stocks report on June 30, 2011. The next USDA Supply & Demand report will be released July 12, 2011.

Supply  2003/
2008/2009  2009/2010  2010/2011USDA




Acres Planted
(million acres)
78.6 80.9 81.8 78.3 93.5 86.0 86.4 88.2 90.7
Acres Harvested 70.9 73.6 75.1 70.6 86.5 78.6 79.5 81.4 83.2
U.S. Average Yield 142.2 160.4 147.9 149.1 150.7 153.9 164.7 152.8 158.7
Beg. Stocks
(million bushels)
1087 958 2114 1967 1304 1624 1673 1708 730
Production 10089 11807 11114 10531 13038 12092 13092 12447 13200
Imports 14 11 9 12 20 14 8 25 20
Total Supply 11190 12776 13237 12510 14362 13729 14774 14180 13950
Feed and Residual 5795 6162 6141 5591 5913 5182 5140 5150 5000
Ethanol 1168 1323 1603 2119 3049 3709 4568 5000 5050
Food, seed & industrial 1369 1363 1378 1371 1338 1316 1371 1400 1405
Exports 1900 1814 2147 2125 2437 1849 1987 1900 1800
Total Use 10232 10662 11270 11207 12737 12056 13066 13450 13255
U.S. Ending Stocks 958 2114 1967 1304 1624 1673 1708 730 695
Foreign Stocks 3134 3092 2943 2983 3583 4124 3940 3894 3710
U.S. Avg. Season Price $2.42 $2.06 $2.00 $3.04 $4.20 $4.06 $3.55 $5.35 $6.50
Stocks/Use 9.4% 19.8% 17.5% 11.6% 12.8% 13.9% 13.1% 5.4% 5.2%

Supply and Demand Projections and Historical Data Source: USDA


 USDA’s projection for the current marketing year estimates U.S. ending stocks at 2.25 million bales, up 500,000 bales from the May report. This is on a 500,000 bales decrease in exports, reflecting continued cancellations.  This puts the stocks to use ratio at a 12%. The projected price range for the 2010/11 marketing year is 81 to 83 cents per pound, a reduction of 1 cent on the top end.  World ending stocks were raised 720,000 bales to 43.24 million bales for the current marketing year. The 2011/12 marketing year reflects offsetting revisions which leave ending stocks at 2.5 million bales and a slightly higher stock to use ratio of 14.9%. Beginning stocks were raised 500,000 bales reflecting the 2010/11 numbers and production was lowered 1 million bales to 17 million bales on mainly expected higher abandonment from the Southwest drought. Exports were reduced 500,000 bales. The projected price range for 2011/12 is left unchanged at 95 to 115 cents per pound. World projections reflect higher beginning stocks, lower production in U.S. and 500,000 bales lower consumption in China.  Global ending stocks are expected to increase 320,000 bales to 48.25 million bales. China’s stocks to use ratio like the U.S., if realized would be the second smallest in 22 years. In itself, this is a neutral report but the cotton market has reacted favorably in at least, I think, official recognition in production issues for this growing season.  December futures closed at 132.99 cents per pound, up 2.84 cents.  Technical’s have a strong buy bias with support at 128.29 cents and resistance at 136.89 cents. Keep in contact with your cotton buyer on current prices as well as forward pricing alternatives. I would be 45% priced at this time and wait further into the growing year before pricing more. Over the past 30 years the average difference between the June projection for U.S. ending stocks and the final estimate has been 1.7 million bales with 15 years below the final estimate and 15 years above. These numbers can and will change, but do reflect the best information and estimates at the time of the report. USDA will release an Acreage Report and Grain Stocks report on June 30, 2011. The next USDA Supply & Demand report will be released July 12, 2011.

Supply  2003/
2008/2009 2009/2010  2010/2011USDA




 Acres Planted
(million acres)
13.5 13.7 14.2 15.27 10.83 9.47 9.15 10.97 12.57
Acres Harvested 12.0 13.1 13.8 12.73 10.49 7.57 7.53 10.70 10.2
U.S. Average Yield
730 855 831 814 879 813 777 812 800
Beg. Stocks
(million bales)
5.38 3.45 5.50 6.07 9.48 10.05 6.34 2.95 2.25
Production 18.25 23.25 23.89 21.59 19.21 12.82 12.19 18.10 17.0
Imports 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01
Total Supply 23.68 26.73 29.41 27.66 28.7 22.87 18.53 21.06 19.26
Domestic 6.49 6.69 5.89 4.94 4.59 3.59 3.46 3.80 3.80
Exports 13.76 14.41 18.04 13.01 13.65 13.26 12.04 15.00 13.00
Total Use 20.25 21.10 23.92 17.95 18.24 16.85 15.50 18.80 16.80
U.S. Ending Stocks 3.51 5.50 6.05 9.48 10.05 6.34 2.95 2.25 2.5
Foreign Stocks 39.5 51.8 56.4 53.34 50.68 54.20 41.33 40.99 45.75
U.S. Avg. Season Price $0.618 $0.416 $0.477 $0.465 $0.593 $0.478 $0.629 $0.82 $1.05
Stocks/Use 17.3% 26.1% 25.3% 52.8% 55.0% 37.6% 19.0% 12% 14.9%


Supply and Demand Projections and Historical Data Source: USDA


 USDA raised ending soybean stocks 10 million bushels from last month to 180 million bushels for the current marketing year. The trade was expecting a number of 173 million bushels. The only adjustment was made in lowering exports 10 million bushels. The season average price for 2010/11 was left at $11.40 a bushel.  Global ending stocks for 2010/11 were raised 26 million bushels at 2.371 billion bushels. Ending stocks for 2011/12 are increased 30 million bushels from last month to 190 million bushels compared to the average trade guess of 165 million bushels. Beginning stocks were increased 10 million bushels and exports were reduced 20 million bushels on reflecting increased competition from South America. The season average price for 2011/12 is estimated to range from $13.00 to $15.00 a bushel, an increase of a dollar on both ends.  World ending stocks for 2011/12 are projected to drop 10 million bushels from the May estimate to 2.263 billion bushels. November soybeans closed down 5 ¾ cents at $13.86 ¾ per bushel. Technical’s have a strong buy bias with support at $13.62 and resistance at $14.15 a bushel. I am currently 50% priced for 2011 and would hold here and or make catch up sales. Over the past 30 years the average difference between the June projection for U.S. ending stocks and the final estimate has been 110 million bushels with 8 years below the final estimate and 22 years above. These numbers can and will change, but do reflect the best information and estimates at the time of the report. USDA will release an Acreage Report and Grain Stocks report on June 30, 2011. The next USDA Supply & Demand report will be released July 12, 2011.

Supply  2003/
2008/2009 2009/2010  2010/2011USDA




Acres Planted
(million acres)
73.4 75.2 72.0 75.5 64.7 75.7 77.5 77.4 76.6
Acres Harvested 72.5 74.0 71.3 74.6 64.1 74.7 76.4 76.6 75.7
U.S. Average Yield 33.9 42.2 43.0 42.9 41.7 39.7 44.0 43.5 43.4
Beg. Stocks
(million bushels)
178 112 256 449 574 205 138 151 180
Production 2454 3124 3063 3197 2677 2967 3359 3329 3285
Imports 6 5 4 9 10 13 15 15 15
Total Supply 2638 3241 3323 3655 3261 3185 3512 3495 3480
Crushing 1530 1696 1739 1808 1801 1662 1752 1650 1655
Exports 885 1103 948 1116 1161 1279 1498 1540 1520
Seed, Feed and Residual 111 186 188 156 93 106 118 125 115
Total Use 2526 2985 2874 3081 3056 3047 3361 3315 3290
U.S. Ending Stocks 112 256 449 574 205 138 151 180 190
Foreign Stocks 1312 1486 1509 1727 1684 1430 2028 2191 2073
U.S. Average Season Price $7.34 $5.74 $5.66 $6.43 $10.10 $9.97 $9.59 $11.40 $14.00
Stocks/Use 4.4% 8.6% 15.6% 18.6% 6.7% 4.5% 4.5% 5.4% 5.8%

Supply and Demand Projections and Historical Data Source: USDA


 USDA dropped wheat ending stocks 30 million bushels this month to 809 million bushels as the 2010/11 wheat marketing year ended May 31.This compares to the average pre report guess of 842 million bushels. Imports were lowered 10 million bushels and exports were raised 20 million bushels. The season average price for all wheat was raised 5 cents on the average to $5.70 a bushel. Global wheat supplies were raised 180 million bushels to 6.875 billion bushels on increased stocks in Russia as feeding is reduced for the last 2 marketing years. Projections for 2011/12 reflect higher production as reported in the June 9 Crop Production report. Harvested acreage was dropped slightly and nationwide yields were increased 0.6 a bushel. Usage numbers were left unchanged from May with ending stock reduced 15 million bushels to 687 million bushels. This compares to the average trade guess of 669 million bushels as the trade was looking for a drop in production. The season average price is estimated to range from $7.00 to $8.40 a bushel, an increase of 20 cents on both ends. World ending stocks are projected at 6.770 billion bushels, up 110 million bushels from the May estimate. Beginning stocks were increased 180 million bushels, production lowered 191 million bushels and usage dropped 121 million bushels. July wheat closed down 3 cents at $7.45 a bushel. Technical’s have a strong sell bias with support at $7.16 and resistance at $7.92 a bushel. On my comments, I am currently at 50% priced and would look to sell the remainder either off the combine at harvest or hold in storage, if available.  Currently, there is carry in the futures market favoring storage to September or December. The basis (difference in cash and future prices) is rather wide for August delivery negating some of the carry. Producers with storage who want to set a floor under their wheat price may want to look at September or December Put options. A December $8.40 Put would cost $0.84 a bushel and set a $7.56 futures floor.

Over the past 30 years the average difference between the June projection for U.S. ending stocks and the final estimate has been 103 million bushels with 17 years below the final estimate and 13 years above. These numbers can and will change, but do reflect the best information and estimates at the time of the report. USDA will release an Acreage Report and Grain Stocks report on June 30, 2011. The next USDA Supply & Demand report will be released July 12, 2011.

Supply 2003/
2008/2009 2009/2010  2010/2011USDA




Acres Planted
(million acres)
62.1 59.7 57.2 57.3 60.5 63.2 59.2 53.6 57.7
Acres Harvested 53.1 50.0 50.1 46.8 51.0 55.7 49.9 47.6 47.8
U.S. Average Yield 44.2 43.2 42.0 38.6 40.2 44.9 44.5 46.4 43.1
Beg. Stocks
(million bushels)
491.0 546 540 571 456 306 657 976 809
Production 2345.0 2158 2105 1808 2051 2499 2218 2208 2058
Imports 68.0 71 82 122 113 127 119 100 110
Total Supply 2904.0 2775 2727 2501 2620 2932 2993 3284 2977
Food 912.0 907 915 938 947 927 917 930 945
Seed 80.0 79 78 82 88 78 69 80 75
Feed 203.0 187 153 117 15 255 150 170 220
Exports 1158.0 1063 1009 908 1264 1015 881 1295 1050
Total Use 2353.0 2235 2155 2045 2314 2275 2018 2475 2290
U.S. Ending Stocks 546.0 540 571 456 306 657 976 809 687
Foreign Stocks 4320 4993 4837 4205 4322 5452 6310 6066 6083
U.S. Avg. Season Price $3.40 $3.40 $3.42 $4.26 $6.48 $6.78 $4.87 $5.70 $7.70
Stocks/Use 23.2% 24.2% 26.5% 22.3% 13.2% 28.9% 48.4% 32.7% 30.0%

Supply and Demand Projections and Historical Data Source: USDA

Profitability Outlook

This table should be used as a guide as yields, prices, and expenses will vary among producers and locations. This table looks at crop prices as of June 9, 2011 and can give a glimpse of what crop profitability is in Tennessee as of this date. One of the expense items that has to be watched is fertilizer. For reference, in variable expenses below, fertilizer expense per acre is estimated as follows: cotton – $ 137, Soybeans – $48, Corn – $153 (includes 150 units of N), and Milo – $123. Farm diesel cost has risen with fuel cost based on a $3.50 per gallon farm diesel cost. Additional adjustment to costs of production from our budgets reflecting a later planted crop as well as re application of some weed control measures were made as follows: Cotton + $21, Soybeans +$12, Corn +$4 , Milo +$9 per acre. Producers with owned land and or cash rent can use Returns Over Variable as a guide in decision making. Producers with share rent ground should use Returns Over Variable and Land Costs as a guide with their appropriate share rent calculated. A land cost of 25% of revenue is used in the table as a guide or method of comparison and should not be construed as the appropriate rent for a particular area. Producers who are not making major equipment changes can use UT budgets and this table as a guide in developing their own cropping decision budgets. If equipment changes are being made, then a whole farm financial plan would be better suited as a decision aid. Please contact your local County Extension office or Area Specialist – Farm Management for assistance in developing your own budget or farm financial plan.

2011 Estimated Returns

  Cotton Soybeans Corn Milo Wheat/Soybeans
Yield 885 lbs. 40 bu. 120 bu. 90 bu. 60 bu./28 bu.
Price (as of 6/09/11) $1.24 lbs $13.54 bu. $7.43 bu. $6.59 bu. $7.68 bu./$13.54 bu.
Revenue $1,097 $542 $892 $593  $840
Variable Expenses $455 $214 $302 $229 $399
Returns Over Variable $642 $328 $590 $364 $441
Land Costs (25% of Revenue) $274 $136 $223 $148 $210
Returns Over Variable and Land Costs $368 $192 $367 $216 $231
Fixed Costs
Depreciation & interest on machinery
$64 $34 $34 $31 $73
Returns Over Specified Costs $304 $158 $333 $185 $158

Some differences have occurred due to rounding.

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