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Plant Bug Pressure Increasing

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Some phone calls and some personal observations indicate that tarnished plant bugs are getting more common … not blow out but building. This is not surprising as the crop begins to grow. In cotton approaching bloom, this would be the time to consider applying 4-6 oz of Diamond if threshold levels of adults are found in fields. Remember that a tank-mix partner to control adults is generally needed with Continue reading

Fall Armyworms in Pastures?

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I recently posted an article about being on the watch out for fall armyworm infestations in soybean (link here). This is especially important to think about anytime in the next several weeks if grassy weeds are common in a field. However, this also indicates a potentially early start in pastures, and be especially watchful in Bermudagrass. It seems early, but it appears fall armyworms are Continue reading

Crop Progress

As reported by NASS on June 30, 2014


The warm, dry weather allowed producers to make excellent progress with wheat harvest, which is still reported to show average to above average yields. The warm weather benefitted the cotton crop, which is squaring a rate above last year and the 5-year average. Persistent rains over the past two weeks are now showing advantages through corn starting to tassel ahead of normal. Continue reading at Crop Progress 6 29 14