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Corn and Soybean Field Day at Milan

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University of Tennessee’s field crop specialists are putting on a corn and soybean field day at the Research and Education Center in Milan on Tuesday, August 19th. Registration opens at 9 and tour will be begin at 9:30 a.m and will conclude with lunch. Information on soybean and corn disease, insect, and weed management, as well as agronomic information will be presented. Pesticide re-certification and CCA CEUs will be available.

Judging Percent Defoliation in Soybean

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Many of our treatment thresholds for defoliating pests in soybean are based on percent defoliation and growth stage. This is an important component of our IPM recommendations because we are often dealing with a complex of pests, many of which nibble on leaves. This includes bean leaf beetles, Japanese beetles, and several Continue reading

Current Options for Plant Bug Control in Cotton

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Many consultants are reporting a real upswing in tarnished plant bug numbers in cotton this week. This includes our own cotton here in Jackson. Much of the cotton is at bloom, plus or minus a week, and tarnished plant bugs appear to be just about the only pest in most fields. A few people have reported seeing some brown stink bugs, but I’m not too worried about them until this cotton has a few more bolls on it. The common question has been … what should I spray? Below I’ve listed some options with Continue reading

Crop Progress

As reported by NASS on July 7, 2014


Persistent rains over the past two weeks are now showing advantages through steady development of crops, though the cotton crop would benefit from more heat units. Steady rains kept some producers out of the field for a time, but diminished enough for wheat harvest to be completed in a few areas. Continue reading at Crop Progress 7 6 14 .