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Stink Bugs Ramping Up in Soybean

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Immature green stink bug
Immature green stink bug

Insect infestations have been generally mild in soybean fields thus far, but as usual, I am starting to get more calls about stink bugs and a few other pests. As other crops mature, including early maturing soybean fields, late season insect populations often concentrate in the remaining soybean fields. Let’s not forget to keep our eyes open. This may include corn earworm infestation in our latest maturing fields. Continue reading

Cotton Insects – Nearing the End

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The bollworm flight has begun in many areas. A general decline in plant bug populations is being observed, but stink bugs continue to linger. Some fields of cotton have now reached a maturity where we should and have terminated insecticide applications for plant bugs, stink bugs and bollworms. For later maturing fields, it may still be necessary to manage pest infestations for a Continue reading

Farm Bill Meetings in Tennessee

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UT Institute of Agriculture to co-host Farm Bill Information Sessions

Four meetings to be held across the state

JACKSON, Tenn. – The Agricultural Act of 2014, more commonly known as the Farm Bill, contains many changes that will affect producers.  The University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture along with Farm Credit Mid-America, Tennessee Soybean Association and Tennessee Farm Bureau are hosting a series of Farm Bill Information Sessions to help producers navigate through the complexities of the new legislation and make informed decisions for their farming operations. Continue reading

Cotton and lightning

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I have visited several fields in the past few weeks to examine circular/slightly irregular areas characterized by wilt, severe necrosis and death. After visiting with several other specialists, it is our consensus that these injured areas were caused by lightning. Although no action can be taken to bring injured plants out of the stress, additional information on plant symptoms may help you properly diagnose the stress and reduce the amount of ‘flak’ directed at your sprayer operator. Continue reading

Crop Progress

As reported by NASS on August 11, 2014


Farmers welcomed much-needed rains at the end of last week. These rains provided a shot in the arm to soybeans, corn and pastures. High temperatures early in the week assisted cotton growth. These same high temperatures caused some stress in cattle. Hay producers took advantage of the dry weather early in the week until they were forced out of the fields by rain. Continue reading at Crop Progress 8 10 14.

Cotton Transition Assistance Program Enrollment Begins August 11

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Release No. 0136.14
Contact: Isabel Benemelis
(202) 720-7809
Cotton Transition Assistance Program Enrollment Begins Next Week
WASHINGTON, Aug. 7, 2014 — U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm Service Agency Administrator Juan M. Garcia today announced that farmers can enroll in the Cotton Transition Assistance Program (CTAP) from Aug. 11, 2014 through Oct. 7, 2014.

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