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Two-Pass Herbicide Applications in Corn Provides More Consistent Weed Control

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Corn planting started in West Tennessee this past week.  With corn planting in mind, I keep seeing an advertisement on TV about one-pass programs providing season-long weed control.  This advertisement might be true in some places but not in our neck of the woods. Continue reading

Tennessee Market Highlights

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Soybeans and wheat were up, corn was down, and cotton was mixed for the week. On March 31st the USDA released its Prospective Plantings and Quar-terly Grain Stocks reports, highlights of the reports include: Nationally, 2015 planted acreage was estimated at: 89.2 million acres of corn, down 2% from 2014; 84.6 million acres of soybeans, up 1% from 2014; 55.4 million acres of wheat, down 3%; 9.5 million acres of cotton, down 13%; and 7.9 million acres of sorghum, up 11%. Continue reading at Tennessee Market Highlights.

Profitability Outlook Update- March 31, 2015

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The profitability outlook has been updated after the release of the March 31 Planting Intentions and Quarterly Grain Stocks reports. While the market did react to those reports, there was not much change in the profitability outlook since the March 10th USDA WASDE reports. Continue reading at Profitability Outlook March 31 2015.

Comments on USDA Prospective Plantings & Grain Stocks Report

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On Tuesday March 31st, the USDA released their Prospective Plantings and Quarterly Grain Stocks reports. Below are the futures market reaction and a summary of the reports for corn, soybeans, cotton and wheat for the U.S. and Tennessee. Continue reading at 2015 Prospective Plantings and Quarterly Grain Stocks Report Summary.

Controlling Ryegrass Late

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Ryegrass questions have become much more prevalent this week.  I have had no good answers for the calls on how to control ryegrass that escaped the glyphosate burndown in emerged corn.  Herbicides like Accent or Steadfast will not control ryegrass. Liberty tankmixed with atrazine on LL corn would burn the ryegrass back some and is the only even fair option that is available. Continue reading

Common Herbicides Used in Soybean That Could Carryover into Grain Sorghum

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I have written a couple of pieces on fomesafen carryover into grain sorghum. I emphasized fomesafen because it is used on almost all soybean acres in Tennessee.  However, I would be remiss if I did not add that some other herbicides commonly used in soybean have lengthy plant backs to grain sorghum as well.  Continue reading

Weed Control Management in Conventional Soybean

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There have been a number of calls this spring on weed control in conventional soybean.  This is not new as calls on weed control in conventional soybeans have been more frequent the last two years.  Typically the weed spectrum that is the main issue with these calls is not Palmer amaranth but cocklebur and sicklepod.  Continue reading