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Reminder: UT Cotton Scout School, May 29th

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The annual UT Cotton Scout School will be held on Friday, May 29th in Room A at the West Tennessee Research and Education Center (605 Airways Blvd, Jackson). Registration will begin at 8:00 AM with the official program starting at 8:30. It will end with a lunch, but those interested can attend a short  ‘go to the field’ session after lunch. We hope to increase the hands-on portion of the program this year. Topics will include crop development, insect and weed identification, scouting techniques, and more. No registration fee or preregistration is required.


Tennessee Market Highlights

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Corn, soybeans, and cotton were down; wheat was up for the week. September corn futures have stayed above the contract low established back on October 1, 2014 of $3.54 ¾. Nationally, planting and growing conditions have been excellent year-to-date, so corn futures being able to hold this key level of support is a positive. That being said, if above average growing conditions persist and acreage is affirmed at or above current USDA estimates this threshold could be breached. Continue reading at Tennessee Market Highlights.

Fomesafen Carryover

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As expected carryover injury from fomesafen (Flexstar, Prefix, Reflex, Intimidator, Marvel, Dawn, Rhythm, etc.) is starting to show in some fields.  The reason it is showing now is due to all the rain allowing any herbicide carryover to more completely get into the soil solution. Continue reading

Palmer Amaranth Management in Soybean Over the Next Two Weeks

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The large rain event over the weekend really was needed and from a weed control perspective greatly helped activate PRE applied herbicides.  Unfortunately, the long dry spell before that allowed a lot of weed escapes in some fields and managing them has become a concern.  Continue reading

Crop Progress

As reported by NASS on May 18, 2015

The rains that kept producers out of the fields for weeks would now be welcome as soil starts to dry out. A good general shower would help with crop development. The dry weather did allow corn producers to come within 7 points of getting their entire crop planted. Winter wheat is in mostly in good to excellent condition. Continue reading at Crop Progress 5 18 15.

Tennessee Market Highlights

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Corn, cotton, and wheat were up; soybeans were down for the week. On Tuesday May 12th the USDA released the May WASDE report. The report contained initial supply and demand estimates for the 2015/2016 marketing year. So how do estimates for the 2015/16 marketing year compare to the 2104/15 marketing year? Continue reading at Tennessee Market Highlights.