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Tennessee Market Highlights

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Corn, soybeans, and wheat were up; cotton was mixed for the week. Decem-ber corn futures came close to contract lows getting as low as $3.65 at the beginning of the week before rallying to a high of $3.84 ½ on Friday (closing at $3.78). Harvest soybean futures set a new contract low Monday at $8.96 ¾ before rebounding to a high of $9.27 on Friday (closing at $9.14). Unless ad-verse weather conditions materialize in larger production regions it is likely that this rally will be short lived as the majority of the Corn Belt has had above average growing conditions year-to-date. Continue reading at Tennessee Market Highlights.

Insecticide Strategies for Early Season Plant Bug Management

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We are closing in our early squaring for the earliest planting cotton, so now seems to be a good time to review insecticide management strategies. First I will remind you that treatment thresholds for preflowering plants bug infestations are based primarily on sweep net sampling and square retention. The goal is to Continue reading

Maximizing Efficacy from POST Herbicides for Palmer amaranth

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With the weather finally looking like it will give us a break, many people are gearing up to spray.  Most folks are aware of the effect that time of day of application can have on glufosinate (Liberty, Cheetah, etc…) and how to maximize the effects of this herbicide. In a recent test we found that application time of day can also affect many of the PPO herbicides (Flexstar, Prefix, Ultra Blazer, Cobra, etc…) that are commonly utilized for controlling Palmer amaranth. Continue reading