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Monthly Crop Outlook and Profitability Update

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June 10, 2015 – USDA World Supply and Demand Estimates

Corn The outlook for 2015/16 U.S. feed grain supplies is raised slightly this month with increases in corn and oats beginning stocks outweighing a decline for barley. Projected corn production for 2015/16 is unchanged at 13,630 million bushels, 4 percent below last year’s record level. Continue reading at Monthly Crop Outlook and Profitability Update.

Tennessee Winter Wheat Production Forecast down 7 percent from 2014

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Tennessee farmers expect to harvest 29.1 million bushels of winter wheat during 2015 according to the Tennessee Field Office of USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service. The expected crop for 2015 would be down 7 percent from the previous year. The forecast was based on crop conditions as of June 1 and increased 3 percent from the May forecast. Growers expect a yield of 71.0 bushels per acre, up 5.0 bushels from 2014 and up 2.0 bushels from May. Continue reading at Tennessee Wheat Production June 1 2015.


The cost benefit of getting wheat custom harvested

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This time of year as wheat harvest is getting ready to start, I get calls on what is the custom rate for combining wheat. In Tennessee, we have a few producers who derive a fair amount of their farm income from custom farming, whether it is harvesting, planting or some other aspect of the production system. Continue reading at Southeast Farm Press.


Crop Progress

As reported by NASS on June 8, 2015

Drier conditions in some parts of the State allowed producers to harvest hay, which had been on hold because of unfavorable weather conditions. Cloudy and cooler conditions took a toll on crop development, particularly cotton. Some soybeans and cotton fields were replanted. Excellent wheat yields were reported in East Tennessee. Pastures are in mostly good to excellent condition. Continue reading at Crop Progress 6 8 15.

Selecting the Right Nozzle

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Nozzle selection is not always the foremost thought when preparing to make a weed control application. However, it can have a significant impact on the effectiveness of the herbicide.  This is especially true with contact herbicides like fomesafen or glufosinate.  Choosing the correct nozzle can be the difference between having a weedy mess or an effective application. Continue reading