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Crop Progress


Depending on where you were in any given county, you either looked to the sky in hopes of a rain shower or wished the rain would stop.  In most cases, however, producers were in hopes of rain.  Crops are beginning to show signs of stress in some areas due to the lack of rain. Continue reading at Crop Progress 6 29 15.

Insecticide Rainfastness

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With scattered rains in the forecast and plant bugs in our cotton, the question of rainfastness always comes up. This most common question this year has been … should I use Acephate/Orthene to get rapid knock down of plant bugs before the rain hits? The short answer is not necessarily, and let me explain why. Continue reading

Plant growth management of new cotton varieties

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IMG_1085Rains and warmer temperatures have promoted rapid growth over the past week.  Now that the root zone has expanded and N uptake has increased exponentially, expect very rapid plant growth in areas which have adequate moisture as we move into flowering.  For those who have not applied an early shot of a plant growth regulator (PGR), you should consider doing so very soon.  Several points should be considered when attempting to regulate growth in 2015. Continue reading

Tennessee Market Highlights

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Corn, soybeans, cotton, and wheat were up for the week. December corn is now trading above $4.00 for the first time since April 23rd; November soybeans rallied over 45 cents this week to close at $9.86, its highest level since March 2nd; July wheat traded above $5.60 for the first time since early January; and December cotton breached its 13 week high of 66.99 cents, closing at 67.16. Weather provided the primary fuel for the futures market rallies in corn, soybeans, and wheat.  Continue reading at Tennessee Market Highlights.

Palmer Amaranth Control Issues in Soybean and Managment

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Compared to the past couple of springs Palmer amaranth control is not near as good in soybean.  There have been quite a few reports of PRE applied herbicides not performing well.   In more recent planted soybeans, poor tillage or burndown of large Palmer before planting has allowed a large infestation of Palmer amaranth to become established in soybeans. Continue reading

Crop Progress

Warmer weather allowed producers to finish their wheat harvest and some ground had already been planted to soybeans.  Cotton replanting was practically finished while there was still acreage of soybeans to be replanted.  Even with the unrelenting rains that kept producers out of fields earlier in the season, a general rain is now needed to improve crop and livestock conditions. Continue reading at Crop Progress 6 22 15.