All posts by Alice Cochran (Graduate Research Asst.) and Heather Kelly (Extension Plant Pathologist)

Making the cotton replant decision

Adverse conditions experienced during or after cotton planting can negatively impact cotton seedlings and result in seedling death.  If severe, stresses can reduce stands to unprofitable yield potentials.  Unfortunately, cool nights, excessive rainfall and marginal seed quality from some seed lots have increased reports of failed stands.  Determining whether to accept or replant a marginal stand of cotton is a particularly challenging decision since many factors must be considered. The purpose of this post is to highlight a few factors to consider while making the replant decision. Continue reading

What the FRAC? – Why FRAC codes matter and understanding fungicide resistance

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Fungicide resistance is a very real concern in field crops in Tennessee and as fungicide resistance continues to be reported, it becomes equally important to be aware of the FRAC code(s) of the fungicide being applied. Continue reading

Proper Nozzle Selection for Pesticide Applications

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As we get further into the year, bugs begin to enter our fields, disease onset starts to occur, and weeds continue to flourish, our chances of making tank-mixed applications increase. This ultimately makes spray nozzle selection more challenging as most products require different droplet sizes.  Continue reading